gemstones of the world 保护海洋英语作文精选54篇

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下面是小编给你整理的关于gemstones of the world,希望 保护海洋英语作文精选54篇的内容对你有用!



  保护海洋英语作文 篇1

  The boundless sea gives people the expectation, the beauty, the warm maternal love.

  The sea is like a poem.Like a picture, the meaning is rich;Like a symphony, the vast...It is always calm, like a mirror;Now and then the rage, the surge of rage, can overturn the boat that sailed.In my mind, the sea is the blue world and the cradle of life.There are so many free and free lives.The sea is so mysterious, so charming!

  Now the sea has changed.The water is no longer clear, it's cloudy, it's dirty.The water washed up on the sand, leaving no more of a bouncing fish, but a pile of trash, and a lot of shrill little shrimps.Why is that?It's all because of us.While enjoying the beauty of the sea, someone threw the stinky rubbish into the sea.There are also people living on the coast who make toilet discharge pipes to the bottom of the sea.Even worse, the waste water from the factory poured into the sea, and the water became a strange color.Lead to give birth to a lot of lack of brain ` low IQ baby, our next generation - the eyes bright ` voice immature ` gorge through red face the next generation will never see the beautiful blue sea.

  Some people have done an experiment, he compared a basin of water to the sea, and drop a drop of ink into the "sea".At once, the ink spread slowly, shallower and disappeared, and the "sea water" was almost as clean as before.If the ink keeps dripping, "the color of the water will get darker and darker, and then it will turn into a basin of black water.The world's six billion people produce a lot of waste water and industrial pollution every day, just as the ink has been pouring into the pristine waters of the sea, and the sea is now a pool of sewage.

  For the sake of our human health, to see the beautiful and charming blue ocean for our children and grandchildren.Let us act immediately, love the sea as we love life, and love the common blue home of mankind.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇2

  All things cannot be separated from water, and fish cannot leave water.The theme is: water, the root of all things.

  It is true that the seven parts of the sea are right. We are from one of the creatures in the sea, and we have the same gills of fish when we are young...Everything shows that we are connected to the sea.

  Maybe we were just a little fish, but now we are the greatest humans.

  The sea is so kind and mysterious, what is it that we humans are, the most intelligent creatures at the top, what are our ancestors?It's a low-grade fish or an advanced dinosaur, and everything is a mystery.

  Now the sea is being developed by us, the sea ranch, the Marine oil base is so amazing.The sea gave us life, and gave us so much energy, and we?Marine oil base causes large oil spill, resulting in Marine oil pollution!What are we doing with the indiscriminate killing of whales and the salivating of shark fins?Is the environmental protection or the destruction of the ecological balance?

  If the sea could wash everyone's heart like a shell, there would be no creatures in the world because of our indiscriminate killing.Is it a reward that the sea is our mother, and it has created the destruction of all that it has created?No, it isn't.What else can we do when black oil covers the ocean, and when black exhaust fills the sky?The sea belongs to nature, nature belongs to us?We belong to the sea, and the sea belong to us?

  What are we doing here?To kill for personal gain?Destroy for yourself?No, no, no.I do not believe that we will destroy our oceans, and I do not believe that people will despair when the oceans disappear.Because everyone is selfish.

  Is it humane that the oceans have created us and destroyed us?

  Although we're trying to protect the environment, it's too late, unless time goes backwards, unless there's a miracle, unless it's all over again.I believe we can get the ocean back to our youth, and we are the smartest intelligent creatures.

  Everyone, for the sake of the bright future of the sea, also protect the sea for ourselves.thank you

  保护海洋英语作文 篇3

  The Marine life environment is a complex system including seawater, sea water content and suspension, seabed sediment and Marine life.The abundant biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources of the sea are the indispensable resources of human beings, which are closely related to the survival and development of human beings.

  The main objective of Marine conservation is to protect Marine life resources so that they are not depleted for sustainable use.Special priority should be given to protecting Marine life that is valuable and endangered.According to the relevant departments of the investigation, due to overfishing, accidental killing of non-target to allow hunting of Marine, coastal tidal flats in the engineering construction, mangrove deforestation, widespread Marine pollution, at least 25 in the world's most valuable fisheries resources exhausted, whales, turtles, manatees and many other Marine animals are in danger of extinction.With the expansion of Marine development, the potential for greater damage to Marine biological resources is expected.

  Marine conservation of the first task to stop the excessive use of Marine biological resources, secondly we must protect Marine habitats or niches, especially their migratory, spawning, feeding, avoiding DiHai coast, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent the heavy metals and pesticides, oil, organic matter and eutrophication of nutrients, such as pollution of the sea.To maintain the renewable capacity of Marine biological resources and the natural purification capacity of seawater, maintain the balance of Marine ecology and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the sea.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇4

  The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇5

  Oceans becoming more acidicThe world's oceans are slowly getting more acidic, say scientists.The researchers from California say the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.The lowering of the waters' pH value is not great at the moment but could pose a serious threat to current marine life if it continues, they warn.Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett, from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, report their concerns in the journal Nature.Increasing use of fossil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air, and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater.

  once in the water, it reacts to form carbonic acid.Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.But these researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change."This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere," said Dr Caldeira."And we predicted amounts of future acidity that exceed anything we saw over the last several hundred million years, apart from perhaps after rare catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts."If carbon dioxide release continues unabated, ocean pH could be reduced by as much as 0.77 units, the authors warn.It is not absolutely clear what that means for marine life, however.

  Most organisms live near the surface, where the greatest pH change would be expected to occur, but deep-ocean lifeforms may be more sensitive to pH changes.Coral reefs and other organisms whose skeletons or shells contain calcium carbonate may be particularly affected, the team speculate. They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower pH.In recent years some people have suggested deliberately storing carbon dioxide from power stations in the deep ocean as a way of curbing global warming.But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered."Previously, most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing - because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet; and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇6

  Marine environment that includes water,sea water dissolves the material and suspended solids,sediments and marine organisms,including complex systems.The rich marine biological resources,mineral resources,chemical resources and power resources is an indispensable resource treasure house of human,with human survival and development of very close relationship.

  The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources,so as not to failure,for the sustainable use of human beings.Particular priority to protect the valuable and endangered endangered marine life.According to the United Nations to an investigation,due to overfishing,accidental killing of non-target to allow hunting of marine,coastal beaches of the construction,mangrove deforestation,pollution of the marine environment in general,at least 25 the world's most valuable fishery resources depleted,whales,sea turtles,manatees and many other marine animals are facing the danger of extinction.Expected that with the expansion of marine development,marine resources are likely to cause more damage.

  First,the task of marine conservation of marine biological resources to stop the excessive use of,and secondly to protect the habitat of marine life or habitat,in particular,their migration,spawning,feeding,avoiding predators coast,beaches,estuaries,coral reefs,to to prevent the heavy metals,pesticides,oil,organic produce and easy to eutrophication and other pollution of the marine nutrients.Maintain the regeneration ability of marine biological resources and the natural purification capacity of water,preservation of the marine ecological balance and ensure the sustainable human development and utilization of ocean.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇7

  The seas and oceans receive the brunt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land.

  In fact over 80% of all marine pollution comes from land-based activities and many pollutants are deposited in estuaries and coastal waters. Here the pollutants enter marine food chains, building up their concentrations until they reach toxic levels. It often takes human casualties to alert us to pollution and such was the case in Minimata Bay in Japan when many people died as a result of a pollutant building up in food chains. A factory was discharging waste containing methyl mercury in low concentrations into the sea and as this pollutant passed through food chains it became more concentrated in the tissues of marine organisms until it reached toxic levels.

  As a consequence 649 people died from eating fish and shellfish contaminated with mercury and 3500 people suffered from mercury poisoning.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇8

  The simplest water pollution definition would be any contamination of water bodies with some pollutant(s) that changes physical,biological,and chemical conditions of any body of water making this water harmful for environment and surrounding ecosystems.

  Water pollution occurs once too much pollutants (mostly in form of different waste) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies.Water pollution does not only cause great environmental damage but is also the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases responsible for the deaths of more than 14,000 people each day,mostly in developing countries.

  Many people are not aware that water pollution is serious problem in almost all parts of the world,and not just in third world countries like some choose to believe.In fact many experts will tell you that reality is completely different than the common belief,and that actually water pollution problem is already out of control.

  Water pollution problem is in most cases connected with the careless handling of chemical agents,toxins introduced into our water through industrial dumping,and farm runoff.All these factors make our water unsafe to drink.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇9

  Boundless sea to look forward to, give people the beauty, give a person warm motherly love.

  The sea is like a poem; it jumps; like a picture, rich in meaning; and like a symphony, vast and mighty...... It is like a mirror; sometimes calm, sometimes filled with rage, overwhelming, to sail the boat overturned. In my mind, the sea is blue world, is also the cradle of life. Pregnant with many free and small life. The sea is so mysterious, so charming!

  Now the sea has changed. The sea is no longer clear, it bees muddy and dirty. Washed up on the beach, left is no longer alive and kicking the fish shrimp, instead of the piles of rubbish, but also mixed with a lot of dead fish shrimp, stinking. Why is that? It's all because of us. When people admire the beauty of the seaside, they throw the foul rubbish into the sea. There are also people living on the beach, the toilet drain pipe to the bottom of the sea. What's worse is that the factory waste water flows into the sea in large stocks, and the sea is dyed in a strange color. Led to the birth of a lot of lack of brains, low IQ infants, our next generation - bright eyes [voice tender], the face of the next generation of red, will never see the beautiful blue sea.

  Someone once did an experiment. He pared a basin of water to the ocean, and dropped a drop of ink into the sea. Immediately, the ink slowly spread out, became shallow and disappeared. The sea water was almost as clean as ever. If the ink kept dropping, the color of the sea would be deeper and darker, and eventually it would bee a basin of black water. 6 billion people on the earth produce large quantities of living waste water and industrial pollution every day. Like ink, it has been injected into the clear sea water. It has bee a polluted lake.

  To the health of our human beings, to see the beautiful blue sea for our children and grandchildren. Let us act now, love the ocean as much as we love life, and love the mon blue home of mankind.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇10

  "Bumper harvest, bumper harvest!"!" Cried one of the fishermen, happily jumping up like a child. After a while, the full cabin fish alive and kicking, calm sea filled with coming from all sides of the fishermen's laughter.........

  Now, like this "fish and shrimp full cabin" scene has been very rare. In today's market, is the most common fish pound at least to dozens of yuan, more serious pollution of the ocean, the ocean resources gradually dried up, seafood production, prices rise, it illustrates this point?

  In the ocean of natural calamities and man-made misfortunes emerge in an endless stream today, human pollution is often not from the original intention, but it is caused by the unexpected effect. The British Petroleum oil, because the drilling platform explosion, caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, to 9900 square kilometers of sea water is seriously polluted, so that tens of thousands of seabirds soaked in oil to move, die in hunger and misery, makes countless fish poisoning death; and the Japanese earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear leak the marine pollution is more serious......

  The sea is so vast that it is because the rivers and streams flow into the Yangtze River and then run into the sea. If we do not solve the pollution problem from the source, then no matter how people clean up the sea, there will always be sewage flowing into the sea, and all the efforts will be futile. Now, streams and streams are often seriously polluted, or they become places where people dump rubbish or are loaded with pesticide cans. Finding a clear stream in an inhabited area can be very difficult today!

  In any case, the protection of the oceans can not be achieved by individual forces, and the protection of the oceans depends on the joint efforts of all mankind. I do not want one day in the future, our descendants can only imagine the image of the vast and wide sea.

  This is not only the wish of a pupil, but also the wish of all mankind, isn't it?

  保护海洋英语作文 篇11

  Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

  I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It's easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

  I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

  We must act now before it is too late!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇12

  Marine biological environment is a complex system including sea water, sea water, soluble matter and suspended matter, seabed sediments and marine organisms. The rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources in the sea are indispensable human resources treasure houses, which are closely related to the survival and development of mankind.

  At present, the main objective of marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources so that they can not be exhausted for sustainable use by mankind. In particular, priority should be given to the conservation of marine animals that are valuable and endangered. According to the UN investigation, due to overfishing, mangrove accidental killing of non target to allow the killing of marine organisms, the coastal engineering construction, deforestation, pollution of the marine environment in general, at least 25 of the world's most valuable fisheries resources consumed, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animal faces the danger of extinction. It is expected that with the expansion of marine development, it is possible to cause more damage to marine biological resources.

  Marine protection task should first stop on the marine biological resources excessive use, secondly to protect the marine biological habitat or habitat, especially their migration, spawning, feeding, avoid Huahai coastline, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic produce and eutrophication. Nutrients such as marine pollution. Maintain the ability of regeneration of marine biological resources and the natural purification ability of the sea water, maintain the marine ecological balance, and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the marine.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇13

  Marine lives in fish and all kinds of chemical substances,is very important for human.

  But many people like throwgarbage into the sea,the sea will pollution.Cause fishdeath,water depletion.We should keep our environment,to protect the beautiful sea.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇14

  Ocean refers to the protection of the marine environmental protection,including protection of marine resources and protection of the marine ecosystem。

  Marine organisms,including sea water is an environmental and water—capacity solution and suspended solids,sediments and marine life,the complexity of the system。Rich in marine biological resources,mineral resources,chemical and power resources,such as human resources indispensable treasure trove of resources,human survival and development of the relationship is extremely close。

  At present,the protection of the marine main objective is to protect the living marine resources,so that it will not be failure for the sustainable use of mankind。Special priority should be to protect those valuable and endangered marine life in danger。According to the survey departments of the United Nations,as a result of over—fishing,accidental killing of non—target to allow the killing marine life and coastal tidal flats of the project,the mangrove deforestation,pollution of the marine environment in general,at least 25 of the world's most valuable fisheries resources Exhausted,whales,sea turtles,manatees and other marine animals face extinction risk。With the expected expansion of the scale of ocean development,the possibility of living marine resources caused more damage。

  First of all,the protection of the marine task to put an end to the living marine resources over—exploitation,to be followed to protect marine life habitat or habitat,particularly their migration and spawning,feeding,Dihai to avoid the coast,tidal flats,estuaries,coral reefs,it is necessary to The prevention of heavy metals,pesticides,oil,organic produce and easy eutrophication of nutrients such as marine pollution。To maintain living marine resources and renewable sources of natural water purification ability to maintain the ecological balance of oceans and the sea of humanity to ensure the continued development and use。

  保护海洋英语作文 篇15

  We should protect the marine organisms

  Today,I saw a shop was selling the coral when I walk on the street.I was very angry.Perhaps many people still don't know that selling coral is illegal abroad expect in Indonesia.Because Indonesia is so poor that it has to earn money through digging and selling the coral,which accuse many marine organisms have to move from their home-ocean.As you known,if coral leave the ocean which they adapt,they might die.That's why I feel so angry.

  Please try our best to protect the marine organisms.They are also our friends!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇16

  Everyone knows that there are 9.6 million square kilometers of land in our country, but who knows, how much of the sea area belong to our country?Let me tell you!It's 3 million square kilometers.

  One might ask: since there is so much land, there should be a lot of sea creatures.Yes, I have about 10% of the world's Marine life.These sea creatures are like our brothers and sisters.But our brothers and sisters are slowly disappearing. Why?Because we humans.

  You should know the baiji dolphin.It is so many countries around the world, but the Chinese some rare animals, living in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, because of we human beings have built chemical plant wastewater discharged by the precocious the pollution, the quality of the water in the Yangtze river and living garbage......The ruthless destroyed their habitat, rubbish make them homeless, can't adjust the very serious environmental contamination, in the end, the national level to protect animals, this ancient and beautiful animal, the number of baiji is regarded as "living fossil" less than 5% of the giant panda.

  The Tibetan antelope is a protected wild animal at the national level, and 99% of the world's Tibetan antelope live on a plateau more than 4,500 meters above sea level in western China.The Tibetan antelope is light and soft and warm.The shawl made from it became a fashion for the rich in the west in the 1990s.However, the Tibetan antelope must be killed if it is to be collected.The number of surviving Tibetan antelopes is now only 15, 000 -- 100, 000, a tenth of a century ago.If they continue to destroy them, no protection will be taken, and the Tibetan antelope will be extinct in 20 years.

  These two animals are not Marine animals, but I think if we continue to destroy the environment and kill animals, Marine life will also be at risk.For example, the largest and heaviest blue whale in Marine life, the number of blue whales is decreasing rapidly due to the indiscriminate hunting and the destruction of the environment.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇17

  Everything can't live without water, and fish can't live without water. This theme is: water, the root of all things.

  Seven parts of the sea is indeed true. We come from a kind of creature in the sea. We also have fish-like gills when we are young... All this shows that we are closely related to the sea.

  Maybe we used to be just a small fish, but now we are the greatest human.

  The sea is so kind and mysterious. What kind of creatures are we? As the top intelligent creatures, what are our ancestors? Whether it is a low-level fish or a high-level dinosaur is a mystery.

  Now the sea is being developed by us, and the marine pasture and offshore oil base are so magical. The sea has given us life and so much energy. What about us? The offshore oil base has caused a large area of oil leakage, causing marine oil pollution! What are we doing with the indiscriminate killing of whales and the salivation of shark fins? Is it protecting the environment or destroying the ecological balance!

  If the sea can wash everyone's heart like a shell, there will be no creatures in the world that will become extinct because of our indiscriminate hunting and killing. The sea is our mother. It created everything and was destroyed by the human it created. Is this our reward? No, this is not. What can we do when black oil covers the sea and black exhaust fills the sky? The sea belongs to nature, does nature belong to us? We belong to the sea, does the sea belong to us?

  What are we doing? Do you kill for personal gain? Destroy for yourself? No no no. I don't believe that we will destroy the ocean that created us. I don't believe that people will despair when the ocean disappears. Because everyone is selfish.

  The sea created us and was destroyed by us. Is this humanity?

  Although we are trying to protect the environment, it is too late, unless the time will go back, unless there is a miracle, unless everything starts again. I believe that we can make the ocean young again. We are the most intelligent creatures.

  Everyone, for the bright future of the ocean, let's protect the ocean for ourselves. thank you.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇18

  There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities. To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources

  and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

  In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。

  保护海洋英语作文 篇19

  The earth is the home of all living things and the real mother of human beings.Earth gave birth to us, but what about us?Excessive exhaust emissions, deforestation, the earth's greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ozone layer, the extreme lack of water resources on earth...Our mother has lost her old smile.

  Seventy percent of the earth's area is ocean.The sea has nurtured our ancestors and helped the development of a generation of human civilizations.But we are ungrateful, turning the sea into a waste room of the earth and a bloody hunting ground.

  Millions of years ago, the sea was a peaceful, joyous place, maintaining a natural ecological balance, and thousands of years later, human beings entered the ocean and broke the original calm.People have discovered that the resources and food are so abundant that they have begun to indiscriminately kill Marine life and oil and other resources.However, they did not find that they had broken the ecological level.To date, there are more than 10 billion fish and dolphins killed on average every year, and this amazing math has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years.However, people finally found out how cruel their behavior was, so some people gave up hunting, but the blood in the ocean didn't last, and the crazy emissions started again.With the development of industry, many waste gases and liquids have been discharged into rivers and into the oceans through rivers, causing a sharp decline in the Marine environment.The sea creatures died a lot, and the rest were forced to flee to the depths.The oceans are running out of support, and human bad behavior is continuing...

  The earth, the ocean is our mother, in order for our great mother to return to the calm and happiness of the past, cry for: protect the earth, cherish the environment, do not destroy their home again!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇20

  The earth is the home of all things and the mother of mankind. The earth gave birth to us, but what about us? Excessive exhaust emissions and deforestation have caused the greenhouse effect on the earth, damaged the ozone layer, and caused the extreme shortage of water resources on the earth... Our mother has lost her joy in the past.

  70% of the earth's area is sea. The sea has nurtured our ancestors and assisted the development of human civilization from generation to generation. But we are ungrateful and have turned the sea into a waste room and a bloody hunting ground on the earth.

  Thousands of years ago, the sea was a peaceful and happy place, maintaining the ecological balance of nature. But thousands of years later, human beings entered the sea, breaking the original calm. When people found that the resources and food here were extremely rich, they began to wantonly kill marine organisms and exploit oil and other resources. However, they did not find that they had broken the ecological level. So far, the average number of fish and dolphins killed each year has reached more than 10 billion. This amazing mathematics has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. However, people finally found out how cruel their behavior was, so some people gave up killing, but the blood in the sea was not left, and the crazy discharge began again. With the development of industry, many waste gases and liquids are discharged into rivers and then discharged into the sea through rivers, which greatly reduces the marine environment. Many sea creatures died, and the rest were forced to flee to the deep sea. The sea is almost unsustainable, and human's bad behavior continues

  The earth and the sea are our mothers. In order to make our great mother return to the past peace and happiness, we call for: protect the earth, love the environment, and do not damage our homes!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇21

  I sat in front of the window sill, and my mind was in the air: I suddenly remembered that my father took me to the seaside a few days ago. I thought I could see the deep blue sea, but I didn't expect to see the turbid sea full of garbage and smelly sea! Let me down! In recent years, water pollution is very serious. People use a lot of water or discharge waste water, which will cause serious water pollution. Now the water quality is getting worse and worse. If only I were the director of the Marine Environmental Protection Bureau!

  If I were the director of the Marine Environmental Protection Bureau, I would ask my subordinates to build tidal power stations and electricity-only robots at the seaside. This is due to the frequent occurrence of oil spills at sea, which is an important reason for marine pollution. Due to the over-eutrophication of the sea water, some plankton proliferate explosively in the water. This kind of plankton with extremely large growth is pink or reddish brown, so the sea water is dyed red, resulting in red tide. Red tides not only cause serious harm to the marine environment, marine fisheries and aquaculture, but also have an impact on human health and even life. Tidal power stations can use the hydrodynamic force of rising tide and ebbing tide to convert the power into electricity for people to use. Robots can use the converted electricity to help us purify water at the seaside. At the same time, I will also install trash cans and cameras at the seaside. The purpose of trash cans is to make it convenient for people to put garbage in trash cans rather than in the sea. The camera is to catch those who litter. For those uncivilized people, I will punish them to clean the beach until they correct it!

  "Baby! Wake up! How did you fall asleep on the windowsill?" A familiar voice came from my mother. Alas, it was just a dream! However, I believe that as long as we publicize that protecting water is protecting ourselves, and announce the importance of protecting water to people, the blue sea will come back.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇22

  This summer vacation, my parents finally agreed to take me to the seaside to play under the influence of my difficulties and difficulties. Think of the boundless blue sea in books and on TV, the active waves, the clear water and the clean beach. With incomparable yearning for the sea, I saw the sea for the first time.

  However, the sea that came into my eyes was not what I expected. On the turbid sea, there are smelly garbage floating and many rotten fish bodies. When a wave came, what was left on the beach was not small fish and shrimp, but piles of garbage. I asked my father with frustration and puzzlement: Is the sea on the books and on the TV false? Dad said: What is said in the book and on TV is true, but that is the sea before. It is all our human beings who have become so.

  Some tourists who go to the seaside always throw their garbage into the sea. What is more hateful is that some factories discharge toxic waste water into the sea for their own benefit. Let the sea become what it is now. Many rare creatures living in the sea are now endangered.

  We once did an experiment, comparing a basin of water to the sea, and then dropping a drop of ink into the "sea", the ink gradually became shallow until it had no color. If the ink drips continuously, the "sea" becomes darker and darker, and finally becomes black water. Now the sea is more and more like that basin of water, becoming darker and darker. We must not make that drop of ink.

  Dear friends, please don't forget that we have only one earth and only one ocean on which we live. So let's act together to protect the earth and the sea!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇23

  I am a common clown fish. My home is in the vast ocean. I swim happily in the sea. Because of its remote location, we have never had guests here.

  It was a sunny day, and we were playing happily under the sea. At this time, a group of guests came to my home. We were very happy. Some little fish are a little scared and hide behind the coral reef to peep, some are around the guests and some stay at home to prepare delicious food for the guests At this time, a man in a blue coat said, "The scenery here is so beautiful!" We were more proud of hearing it, and my fish behind the coral reef came out slowly. The man then said, "I have a good idea. I think there are many kinds of fish here. We will catch octopus, sharks, blue whales, killer whales and so on to open an aquarium, which will definitely make a lot of money and make a lot of money." When the group heard this, their eyes lit up and said with one voice, "OK!" After that, they took the fishing nets and went to catch them in all directions. The screams of the fish reverberated on the bottom of the sea... We clown fish hid in the rock crevices on the bottom of the sea because of our small size. But I can only wait to see that other brothers and sisters have been taken away. There are only a few thousands of fish left. The bustling home suddenly became cold and deserted, a mess

  Then they complained about wantonly destroying the environment without catching the clown fish, dumping the garbage in the water and throwing the caught dead fish on the surface of the water. After these "guests" left, the whole ocean was completely changed. I looked at the desolate ocean and remembered the beautiful home in the past, and I sighed deeply

  I hope that human beings will no longer wantonly destroy the environment, and let us have a way to live. We can no longer be so greedy.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇24

  When the earth was just formed, the first thing we saw was the blue sea, where life propagated and evolved. Everything is so orderly. Crowds of fish, colorful corals, everything is so beautiful. The happy swimming of fish is like a beating note. The sea is the incomparable staff.

  The boundless ocean is the cradle that has nurtured us. The sea is the mother of the earth and the origin of life. There is inexhaustible oil in it, which provides valuable resources for mankind. Offering delicious seafood for human body

  There are coral reefs, sharks, penguins, and the world's largest animal, the blue whale. The sea used to be blue. But now the sea is no longer blue, and it begins to become black and turbid. The sea mother began to be angry. It gradually regretted that she had created a group of people who decided to make it darker and more turbid. So that the babies in its arms are far away from her. For example, according to the data, it is unknown how many blue whales have been stabbed and killed by humans in recent years. Why? Just because of human's greed for money and human cruelty. Let the innocent blue whale suffer such great danger.

  Fishing can be carried out, and people need nutrition, so the mother of the sea gave us her milk. Its milk full of nutrients began to spread to all parts of the world, and fresh fish could be seen from the port every day. The mother of the sea is pleased to see that her child has received nutrition. However, human beings will bite the hand of the enemy and pollute the sea, making it difficult for the creatures in the sea to survive.

  Now people will even pay for money. Some fishermen began to fish indiscriminately, and many fish could not be sold in the market. They were thrown into the garbage can. At this time, the sea mother kept crying there. However, humans have not realized the sadness of the sea mother at all, and will not put themselves in the shoes of the big mother.

  Now the earth's environment is getting worse and worse, and people begin to discharge toxic sewage from time to time, causing the fish in the sea to gradually face death. once the fish is eaten by humans, the consequences are unimaginable. It's really clever to be mistaken by cleverness, and you will reap the consequences.

  There is more and more garbage. It seems that human beings regard Mother Sea as the largest garbage bin in the world. More and more garbage is deposited on the bottom of the sea, making the mother of the sea more and more dirty and black. Can Haima not be sad again?

  In Qiantang River, there are spectacular tides every year, which make people from all over the world come to watch. But in recent years, it seems that it is different from the past and has become serious. It may be that the sea mother feels sad about what human beings have done. Tears began to fall drop after drop.

  Where does Mother Hai's sadness and anger come from? Originally from human beings, as long as everyone does a good job in environmental protection, we should cherish water resources and protect the water of life. In fact, not only on this day, but every day in our life, we should cherish every drop of water and cherish the water of life with practical actions!

  The natural resources in the sea area are important land resources. Like land land, they are the basis for the survival and development of the Chinese nation. China's marine resources have both huge development potential and the dual task of urgently strengthening protection. We should implement a reasonable development strategy to make the sea area under national jurisdiction a base for sustainable development and utilization of marine resources.

  Marine mineral resources include oil resources, natural gas resources, natural gas hydrate resources, placer resources in the sea areas under national jurisdiction, and polymetallic nodule resources, cobalt-rich crusts resources, hydrothermal sulfide resources in the international seabed area, which have great potential. We should strengthen the exploration of marine mineral resources, increase the proved reserves, and improve the national resource assurance level. Strive to discover new large oil and gas fields at sea, so that the proportion of offshore oil and gas production in the total oil and gas production in the country will increase from 10% to more than 25%, reaching the world average level. Natural gas hydrate exploration should be included in the national plan, focusing on the investigation of the relevant marine environment and natural gas hydrate resources in the northern slope area of the South China Sea, so as to prepare resources, environment and technology for commercial exploration. We should strengthen the oil and gas exploration in disputed sea areas, actively implement the "shelving disputes and common principles", safeguard China's marine rights and interests, and strive for the share of resources in overlapping areas of marine rights and interests.

  Pay attention to the protection of marine living resources that have been seriously declined. The marine fishing industry should adopt the policy of "zero" or even "negative" growth of fishing volume, reduce fishing volume, and strive to gradually restore the fishery resources of major economic fish and important fishing grounds. Make scientific and reasonable use of the culturable sea areas in the tidal flat and shallow sea, reduce the self-pollution of the aquaculture industry, protect the ecological environment of the aquaculture sea areas, actively promote the ecologically optimized aquaculture model, and take measures such as marine farming and animal husbandry in large bays and offshore waters, artificial breeding and releasing of important economic species, and comprehensive management of offshore fishing grounds to ensure the sustainable use of marine biological resources.

  Cherish and cherish every beach, bathing beach, sea sports ground, coral reef area, coastal mangrove and other resources that can be used for the development of marine tourism and entertainment, and actively develop marine tourism. We should pay attention to the protection of the marine ecological environment, prevent the degradation of the marine ecological environment, and ensure the sustainable use of the sea.

  The marine biological environment is a complex system including seawater, dissolved and suspended substances in seawater, seabed sediments and marine organisms. The rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources in the sea are indispensable resource treasure houses for human beings, which are closely related to human survival and development.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇25

  The earth is our common home. We should act to reduce pollution.

  One day, I turned into a fish and went to play in the sea. At this time, my turtle brother exposed his white belly on the sea. I said, "Brother turtle, how can you rest on the sea?" I called for many times, but he didn't respond to me. At this time, Uncle Whale said, "It is the hateful human that killed it." "Why?" "Because human beings continue to throw garbage into the sea, resulting in the death of a large number of marine organisms, so human beings are very hateful." Hearing Uncle Whale's words, I swam forward. I saw a middle-aged man wearing rainshoes, raincoats and rainhats. I swam over and said, "You humans are so hateful that you dump garbage into the sea every day..." Before I finished, he said, "I'm here to help the sea. I'm here to help the sea collect garbage.".

  In front of me, I saw a super fat man in red. I used to ask the super fat man, "Who are you? Why are you so fat?" "I am an oil factory. As for my fat, it is because there are hundreds of tons of oil and hundreds of people working in my body.". The group of small fish died like their tortoise companions. What are these black ones? Sister Haiyang said, "It is oil that causes me to change color, and they kill the fish." "Hum, I want to tell those people not to pour oil into the sea. So I went in and said to those people that you should not pour oil into the sea, which would kill the living things in our sea. Human beings live on the water in the sea and the river. If the water in the sea changes color and becomes harmful substances, people will die after drinking this water, and you will bear the crime of murder.

  Therefore, we should protect our mother earth from being hurt.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇26

  At the weekend, my mother took us to the Ocean World. The turtle impressed me most.

  The turtle is very cute. It has a big Yuanbao head, which can sell cute! Its limbs are like oars, swimming in the water. In this way, its body can swim up and down, just like dancing in a square dance out of tune. Turtles are reptiles that lay eggs on land. The male has a long tail and half the body length. Sea turtles mainly eat fish and seaweed. The sea turtle is still a national second-class protected animal!

  I saw a lot of turtles in the turtle pool of the aquarium. They are so cute, but I saw some bad behaviors of children. For example, use a small stick to play with the turtle's head and back. When someone stopped them, they continued to play with the turtle and made them look very embarrassed.

  Seeing this, I think of our little turtle. I think we must protect marine animals, especially national protected animals, and I will be more concerned about the little turtle in the future.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇27

  In a blue sea, there lived a little turtle. He was born and grew in this sea. He never thought of leaving this beautiful home. But one day, disaster hit him

  "Sell fish, sell fish..." That's right, that's the cry of fish. A group of people with dark skin and strong body came to the sea. They took a small boat and threw the fishing net into the sea with all their strength. The little turtle was playing with his friends, but it was too late to escape and was covered by the fishing net.

  He was taken to a fish market. A rich man came here to buy fish, and suddenly saw this turtle. The little turtle was looking at him sadly. The rich man thought he was very intelligent, so he bought him.

  After the rich man took him home, his daughter became friends with the little turtle. After several months, the rich will fill up the sea where the little turtle once lived, build a big apartment and make money. When the little tortoise heard the news, he cried loudly and woke up his daughter. When she looked up, she didn't expect that the little tortoise actually spoke to her: "Wuwu...... You bad humans, you want to fill the sea, I hate you, I will never play with you again, Wuwu......" The daughter saw the little tortoise cry like this, and she was also very upset. She ran to her father's bedroom and explained the situation to his father. His father usually paid the most attention to his daughter's mood, and especially doted on her. As soon as he saw her like this, his heart immediately softened and he repeatedly agreed.

  However, the little tortoise was miserable. After knowing that his tortoise could talk, the rich man came up with a high price to sell him. People came to his family in an endless stream. They all said that the tortoise was strange, and the price doubled. Finally, someone paid 100000 yuan to buy the strange tortoise. Even the director of the country came to join the crowd and told the president of the country about it, The chairman immediately listed the small tortoise among the national first-class protected animals. Little tortoise's mother knew this and was proud of her son, because her son saved the whole ocean. Finally, people decided not to destroy the sea any more, but also to release the turtle. Finally, the little tortoise family reunited!

  It was a tortoise that saved the whole ocean and all the creatures in the sea. We humans should also protect the sea. Come on, let's create a better tomorrow!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇28

  On a Saturday, I went to the seaside with my father and mother. From afar, I can smell a stinky smell; See the sea black; There are all kinds of packaging bags and food boxes floating in the sea... The sea creatures are full of oil and will soon die.

  I still remember when I came: the blue and clear water; Seagulls fly freely in the sky; All kinds of sea creatures live happily in the sea

  Why is it all like this now? I looked up the data and learned that some people wanted to save money and not build sewage treatment tanks, but directly discharged sewage into the sea, which made the sea stinky; The quality of the oil pipeline is unqualified and the operation method is improper, resulting in oil leakage, and the sea surface is black; Some people throw garbage into the sea, and the sea will be full of garbage

  In the future, we must protect the sea and discharge the sewage into the sewage treatment tank; Put the garbage into the trash can; Do not build large oil fields and chemical plants on the seashore; Catch marine life in an appropriate amount

  Let's take action and let the sea recover its beauty!

  In the past, the sea water at the seaside was polluted, and the small fish died. The oiled crab wanted to climb to the shore to find living space.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇29

  On our earth, there are vast oceans. Some people call the ocean a "blue cornucopia" because it contains salt, fish, shellfish and many other things.

  There are abundant oil and natural gas resources in the sea. People set up high drilling platforms on the sea to transport oil and natural gas from the sea to the land. There are countless fish, shrimp and crab shells in the sea. Since ancient times, people living on the sea and on the island have depended on the sea for a living. Every fishing season is the harvest season for fishermen, and the fishing boats will always return with full loads. The ocean is really worthy of the "blue cornucopia".

  However, people pour a lot of garbage and waste water into the water, which makes the harm of the sea increase day by day, and the sea is continuously polluted. People do not know how harmful it will be to the sea. Fish, some with white bellies, and other animals in the sea have also suffered bad luck.

  One day, the sea will become a smelly garbage dump. Moreover, there are many fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish in it, which emit fishy smell. only then will humans understand that they have done something wrong.

  People also transport all the resources in the sea to the land. Although there are many resources in the sea, if the resources in the sea are continuously sent to the land every day, slowly, the sea becomes smaller day by day, and one day, people come to take it again, but the sea has already become a small river, people will be silly.

  There are many living things in the sea, and there are more than 160000 kinds of them. They live in different depths of the sea, and they are connected by a "biological chain"; Some fish and shrimp eat algae or mayflies, and some big fish eat small fish. Marine life is a valuable fishery resource, which provides abundant fish, shrimp and various marine products for human every day.

  Humans hunt and kill a large number of marine creatures, some of which are eaten, and some of which are processed into daily necessities using their own conditions. The creatures in the sea are gradually decreasing. Although they also breed, human beings pour all kinds of wastes into the sea, causing serious pollution of the sea, which makes it difficult for the creatures in the sea to survive, and a large number of them will die, eventually all of them will die! Humans will only destroy the ocean endlessly, never know how to protect the ocean, and human beings are like a group of ignorant fools!

  Some creatures in the sea are listed as national treasures, but it is inevitable that some people will secretly kill them and sell them illegally. One day, nature will mercilessly punish these ignorant human beings, and they may not understand at that time.

  There are some strange plants on the bottom of the sea, which are very beautiful, but some are facing extinction. This is because people are curious to pick and pick, and finally, they are gone. Not for generations to come. Therefore, do not pick those plants on the sea floor, otherwise, they will be very dangerous. Of course, it is OK to pick some occasionally.

  Now, the sea is in a dangerous state. I hope that mankind can join hands to protect the sea and make it full of vitality! composition

  保护海洋英语作文 篇30

  I once imagined that I was a little dolphin, living in the boundless sea every day, free and carefree. Because the blue ocean is a beautiful world, a huge treasure house, pregnant with countless hopes.

  But now, the sea has begun to change. It is no longer so clear and vibrant. It is turbid and smelly. This is because humans throw stinky garbage and plastic bags into the sea and directly discharge waste water into the sea.

  Especially recently, a nuclear power plant in Japan, a small island country, exploded due to earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters, thus storing more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear sewage. In order to maximize its benefits, Japan has chosen the simplest of the five policies - dumping nuclear sewage into the sea. This news has aroused protests from many Asian countries, and the attitude of the Korean media is the most resolute, because once the nuclear sewage enters the sea, the first to suffer is South Korea. But the strange thing is that after such a big news comes out, the western media who always like to swear and talk about "system issues", but very tacitly act silly, they are silent, without any statement, which really makes me very puzzled.

  As we all know, there are a large number of radioactive substances in the nuclear waste water. After being discharged into the sea, the global marine environment will change significantly, and even affect our human security. Although Japan has treated the nuclear sewage, there must still be substances and elements that cannot be diluted. If it enters the food chain, the marine fishery will be fatally hit, and the status of human beings at the top of the food chain is also in jeopardy.

  First, affected by nuclear sewage, the ocean begins to change. It may be less than ten years before the beautiful ocean will become a deadly poison pool. Marine organisms will also be affected and begin to mutate. Thereafter, there may be two octopuses with eight heads, two eyes and twenty legs, or a crab with three heads and sixteen legs with a pair of pliers.

  Second, if humans eat mutated seafood, their health will be affected, and the deformity rate of the fetus will gradually increase. Later humans will not become strange powers, but will become terrible monsters!

  If all these things happen, isn't it the end of the world?

  Therefore, I hereby appeal to you to pay attention to the protection of the marine environment, do not litter, do not damage or harm marine organisms, and do our best to maintain the survival of marine organisms. In particular, I warn Japan not to dump nuclear sewage into the sea to protect the face of the sea.

  Everyone is responsible for protecting the sea!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇31

  China has 3 million square kilometers of blue land - the sea. The sea is mysterious and full of vitality. It contains infinite life and treasure. The sea is the cradle of human life. People who have seen the sea will be impressed by the beauty of the sea, whether it is the tenderness of the sea when it is calm or the excitement of the sea when it is stormy. Even at night, the darkness cannot hide the beauty of the sea, and every gesture of his is stunning.

  The life of the sea is colorful and gorgeous. Under the pursuit of sharks, the huge sardine are arranged and combined in a dense way, changing the beauty of various states, just like notes in a symphony; The thousands of seabirds plunged into the sea like arrows, chasing the food they had coveted for a long time; The giant whales flipped up and broke the waves, splashing crystal clear foam like a broken jasper, dazzling in the sun; The jellyfish dance with the waves, like a fairy in a palace, which is lovable; The cute clownfish are dressed in orange, black and white floral clothes. Although they are short, they move quickly. only they are not afraid of the poisonous tentacles of sea anemones, and they shuttle through sea anemones in groups; Deep in the blue ocean, beautiful corals and colorful pearls and gemstones all add a lot of charm to the magnificent ocean temple. Even the animals on the beach are happy. The little seal sleeps lazily on the beach, basking in the belly. The little turtle comes out of its shell and crawls to the sea step by step. Although it looks clumsy, it is as fast as an arrow when it comes to the sea, which is surprising.

  However, those who have seen "The Sea" still remember that the sea garbage made by human beings repeatedly drove the residents in the sea, and they hunted, killed, dissected, and disintegrated... It seems that only when the dark blue water is dyed bright red can human beings stop their bloody hands. The number of marine organisms in China accounts for about one tenth of the world. These marine creatures are like our brothers and sisters. But our brothers and sisters are slowly disappearing. If we continue to do so, marine life will face a huge life crisis. In addition, the increasingly serious climate change has also had a huge impact on the ocean, causing problems such as rising sea level and sea water temperature, acidification of sea water, death of coral reefs, inundation of small islands, and destruction of marine and coastal ecosystems. Looking at the lifeless sea, who is not heartache? So for the sake of marine life and our blue land, we should protect the residents of the sea.

  Of course, to protect the sea, the most important thing is sovereignty. Due to the problems left over by history, the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands has aroused the patriotic enthusiasm and anger of many Chinese people. Huangyan Island has also become a major problem because of illegal invasion. I have always heard others say that China once lacked ocean consciousness. Most of the glory in history lies on land. The Silk Road, as the link between Europe and Asia, is mainly developed by land. Of course, we also had the "most glorious era in history" of Zheng He's voyages to the West. But when China was a big country in the world, it strictly enforced the policy of sea ban and insisted on shutting down the country. Since then, it has been whipped by the aggressors, lying on the ground, unable to breathe. It was not until the founding of the People's Republic of China that it began to move towards development. In order to develop, we must connect with the world, and require our country to protect the development of the ocean and marine economy. It is not enough to rely on the glory of the land alone. So the importance of blue land is self-evident.

  China's blue land is an inviolable "territory" that is beautiful and full of vitality and has made great contributions to the development of the country. So each of us should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the sea. Although our strength is small, the strength of 1.3 billion Chinese people will have unexpected good results.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇32

  The endless sea gives people hope, beauty and warm maternal love.

  The sea is like a poem, moving and jumping; Like a painting, rich in meaning; It is also like a symphony, vast and surging. It is sometimes calm, like a mirror; Sometimes they are furious, and surge into great waves, which can overturn the sailing boat. In my mind, the sea is the blue world and the cradle of life. It breeds many free little lives. The sea is so mysterious and charming!

  Now, the sea has changed. The sea is no longer clear, it becomes turbid and dirty. The sea washed up on the beach, leaving behind no longer the bouncing fish and shrimp, but instead piles of garbage, mixed with a lot of dead fish and shrimp, emitting bursts of stench. Why? This is all due to us. Some people throw the stinky garbage into the sea when they enjoy the beautiful scenery at the seaside. There are also people who live by the sea who direct the drain pipe of the toilet to the sea floor. What is more hateful is that the waste water discharged by the factory flows into the sea in large quantities, which dyed the sea water into a strange color. This has led to the birth of many babies who lack brains and have low IQ. Our next generation - the next generation with bright eyes, tender voice and red cheeks - will never see the beautiful and charming blue ocean.

  Someone once did an experiment. He compared a basin of water to the sea, and then dropped a drop of ink into the "sea". Suddenly, the ink slowly dispersed, became shallow and disappeared, and the "sea water" was almost as clean as before; If the ink keeps dripping, "the color of the sea water will become darker and darker, and finally turn into a basin of black water. The 6 billion people on the earth produce a large amount of domestic wastewater and industrial pollution every day. Like ink, it has been poured into the originally clear sea water, and soon becomes a pool of sewage.

  For the sake of our human health and for our future generations to see the beautiful and charming blue ocean. Let's take action immediately, love the sea as much as love life, and love the common blue homeland of mankind.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇33

  Cherish sea turtles and protect the sea. We should start from ourselves. We should not kill sea turtles at will and protect the ecological environment of sea turtles. Let's take action to let aquatic wildlife such as sea turtles coexist harmoniously with us under the same blue sky.

  The South China Sea is a breeding ground for sea turtles. The Nansha Sea, rich in fishery resources, is our traditional fishing ground for generations to engage in fishing and production. Nansha has nurtured us. We used to see sea turtles, but now we can hardly see them. The reason is very simple. A few people hunt and kill sea turtles for their own benefit, regardless of national laws and regulations, resulting in a large number of sea turtles and facing a survival crisis. Sea turtles are human friends and very spiritual animals. They cherish the environment where people and animals live in harmony and maintain the balance of marine ecology. In order to protect the environment where sea turtles and our descendants live together, we should actively participate in the special action to protect the aquatic wildlife of sea turtles in the South China Sea and the long-term cause of protecting the marine environment. We should not kill sea turtles at will, protect the ecological environment of sea turtles, find out the behavior of catching sea turtles, actively report to the local authorities, and fight against such illegal behavior, Actively be a propagandist for protecting aquatic wildlife such as sea turtles.

  Friends, let's act together to cherish turtles and protect the sea.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇34

  Everyone knows that China has 9.6 million square kilometers of land, but who knows how much of the ocean area belongs to China? Let me tell you! It is 3 million square kilometers.

  Some people may ask: since there is such a vast land, there should be a lot of marine life, right! Yes, the number of marine organisms I live in accounts for about 10% of the world. These marine creatures are like our brothers and sisters. But our brothers and sisters are slowly disappearing. Why? Because we humans.

  You should know the baiji dolphin! It is a rare animal in so many countries in the world, but only in China. It lives in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Because the waste water discharged from the chemical plants built by human beings has polluted the water quality of the Yangtze River for a long time, as well as domestic garbage... These merciless garbage destroyed their habitat, made them homeless, and could not adapt to the very polluted environment. Finally, this kind of national first-class protected animals, The number of this ancient and beautiful animal, known as "living fossil", is less than 5% of that of giant panda.

  Tibetan antelope is a national first-class protected wild animal. 99% of the world's Tibetan antelope live on the plateau with an altitude of more than 4500 meters in the west of China. Tibetan antelope velvet is light and soft with strong warmth retention. The shawl made of it became the fashion of western rich people in the 1990s. However, if you want to collect this kind of velvet, you must kill the Tibetan antelope. At present, there are only 15000 to 100000 Tibetan antelopes alive, which is one tenth of the number 100 years ago. If they continue to be maimed and no protective measures are taken, the Tibetan antelope will be extinct within 20 years.

  Although these two animals are not marine creatures, I think if we continue to destroy the environment and kill animals, marine creatures will also face a life crisis. For example, the number of blue whales, the largest and heaviest among marine organisms, is decreasing sharply due to people's random hunting and destruction of the environment.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇35

  My hometown Chaolian Island is a very beautiful place. I often go to the beach to play. My favorite thing is to pick up shells on the beach with my brother and sister.

  Grandpa said that there used to be a lot of seashells, but we continued to catch a lot of seashells year after year and generation after generation. Now there are fewer seashells and there are no more seashells. The sea water used to be very clear, but now the factory discharges a lot of waste water, so the sea water is not as clear as before, even there are fewer fish in the sea.

  I asked my grandpa, "Will there be this beautiful Chaolian beach in more than ten years? Can we still come here to pick up seashells?" My grandpa said, "As long as we protect the sea together, no longer pollute the sea, and don't eat up all the sea fish and seashells, there will be such a beautiful sea in the future, and we can also come to this beautiful Chaolian beach to pick up seashells."

  I think: I will tell my father, mother and classmates to protect the sea together when I go back.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇36

  Now is 2998, an era of high-tech development. I am a marine research and renovation worker, dealing with various accidents caused by environmental pollution. In fact, as early as many years ago, human beings realized the horror of destroying the environment, but they still did not pay attention to protection, resulting in the current environment.

  Now, I have received a task, that is to enter the deep sea and evolve water. This is a difficult task. Due to the pollution of the sea water, the marine organisms have undergone serious changes and are extremely dangerous. Many people will never return.

  The day of departure arrived, and I stepped on the newly researched air-sea and air-land three-purpose spaceship. This spaceship has a strong defense capability, the latest research of natural materials to attack warheads, comfortable space, and fresh air. Most importantly, the danger of this mission is 40%.

  I finally started this mission. Our plan is as follows: 1. Find the source of sewage; 2. Investigate the degree of local biological pollution; 3. Report the situation to the Marine Research Center; 4. Get the plan and take action; 5. The acceptance results shall be reported back to the headquarters. The spacecraft started. This time, the destination is the Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, which is 9219 meters deep. It will take three hours to reach. During this period, I can investigate and transform these air through air pollution reduction device to make the polluted air fresh.

  After three hours, the airship has reached its destination. The first thing that came into my eyes was a big octopus with a full height of 30 buildings. It had a dark appearance, and its 28 whiskers were about 50 meters long, which was frightening. This is a good sample! I immediately turned on the sampling machine to sample it, which startled the monster. In the middle of the sampling process, it suddenly rushed at me, and I had to leave with the sample. When I inquired about the sample gene, the result surprised me. It turns out that this kind of octopus is called the black liquid big octopus. It is huge and has a very powerful poison sprayer. As long as it sees the prey, it will not escape from his palm. I can't think about it. The black liquid octopus has already caught up. I had to start the stealth mode to escape the disaster. To my surprise, the octopus did not continue to search for prey, but swam towards this vortex. I was a little strange, but I still caught up to see what happened. Later, I really want to thank it, it took me to find the source. The scene of the source is hair-raising, and the dark liquid keeps rolling, making people want to vomit. It is unexpected that this is the blue and mysterious sea many years ago. I will maximize the seawater purification, let it emit the seawater purification elements, and then send the octopus samples to the headquarters. When I thought it was over, the ship suddenly started to alarm. It was due to excessive energy expenditure and air leakage. It would explode in three minutes. I closed my eyes and waited for death, but the expected pain did not come. Surprisingly, I seemed to have fallen asleep

  Wake up and look at the time of 20xx years. Alas, it's just a dream. I can't help but feel a smile on my face. But, then, think again, if human beings do not protect the environment now, will the next 2998 years be the same as in the dream, and will the cruel human beings kill the sea creatures... These questions have been around my mind

  With regard to these, I found relevant information, which is as follows:

  The marine biological environment is a complex system including seawater, dissolved and suspended substances in seawater, seabed sediments and marine organisms. The rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources in the sea are indispensable resource treasure houses for human beings, which are closely related to human survival and development.

  At present, the main goal of marine protection is to protect marine living resources so that they will not be exhausted for sustainable use by mankind. In particular, priority should be given to the protection of valuable and endangered marine organisms. According to the investigation of the relevant departments of the United Nations, due to overfishing, accidental killing of non-targeted marine organisms, engineering construction of coastal beaches, deforestation of mangroves, and widespread marine environmental pollution, at least 25 of the world's most valuable fishery resources have been exhausted, and many marine animals, such as whales, turtles, manatees, are in danger of extinction. It is expected that with the expansion of the scale of marine development, it may cause greater damage to marine living resources.

  The task of marine protection should first stop the overuse of marine living resources, and then protect the habitats or habitats of marine life, especially the coasts, beaches, estuaries, and coral reefs where they migrate, spawn, forage, and escape from the enemy, and prevent the pollution of the sea by heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum, organic substances, and nutrients prone to eutrophication. Maintain the regeneration ability of marine living resources and the natural purification ability of seawater, and maintain the marine ecological level

  Please cherish the ocean and don't let 2998 become a tragedy.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇37

  It is said that human beings are the primates of all things, but does this augur that someone can control all creatures that control everything and override them?

  Recently, a piece of news caught my attention. It said that after a whale was fished out, it opened its belly and found hundreds of plastic bags inside. This is the reason why the whale died.

  In recent years, people have dumped their garbage, such as plastic bags and other non-decomposable items into the sea, which has led to the death of many creatures in the sea because of eating these plastic bags and garbage by mistake.

  We all say that the sea is an infinite treasure that nature has given us, so we should also cherish the creatures in the sea. This is not only related to the diversity of the sea species, but also to the entire destiny of mankind. If all living things in the sea are extinct for human reasons. The loss to the world and the future is incalculable.

  To protect marine life, at least when we go to the seaside next time, we should not throw things into the sea. This is not only the basic respect for living creatures, but also the protection of our human beings.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇38

  The vast ocean, from blue to green, is beautiful and spectacular. The sea is not only a beautiful scenery, it is also the hope for the future of mankind.

  It has been said since ancient times that the sea is rich in treasures, which are inexhaustible. People can obtain countless material wealth from the sea.

  During drought, people can turn salty seawater into sweet fresh water by "desalination"; The lack of resources is that people can obtain many minerals from the seabed and use the power of tides and waves to generate electricity; When space is sparse, people can build "undersea cities" on the seabed; When food is scarce, people can get salt and high-protein products from the sea

  However, the ocean is not always gentle. If people take it crazily, the ocean will also show its fierce side. At that time, people will regret that they didn't come in a hurry, and it will always be us who suffer. Therefore, we should love and protect the sea!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇39

  South Australia is our hometown. There is an endless sea here. Because the sea contains many things such as salt, fish and shellfish, some people call the sea here the "blue cornucopia". There are abundant oil and natural gas resources in the sea. People set up high drilling platforms on the sea to transport oil and natural gas from the sea to the land. There are countless fish, shrimp and crab shells in the sea. Since ancient times, people living on the sea and on the island have depended on the sea for a living. Every fishing season is the harvest season for fishermen, and the fishing boats will always return with full loads. The sea here is really worthy of the "blue cornucopia".

  However, in recent years, the pollution of fishing ports has been very serious. You see, the sea water is dark and dirty, and there are various kinds of garbage floating on the sea, not only plastic bottles, foam, disposable chopsticks, paper boxes, but also diesel leaked from ships, forming a thick layer of oil on the sea, and even the bodies of dogs, cats, mice

  Now the sea is polluted like this. I seem to hear the sea crying. In the past, the sea was blue and the sea was full of all kinds of sailing boats. The white seagulls hovered and sang on the mast, forming a unique landscape of the fishing port. From time to time, small fish and shrimp jump out of the water. In the season of jellyfish boom, the fishing port opens its warm arms to welcome the arrival of jellyfish girls. In summer, children catch crabs by the sea and adults swim in the sea. It can be seen how clear the water was at that time.

  Do you know why the sea is crying? It is because the so-called "white pollution" is an image title for the pollution of the environment by plastic waste. It refers to the phenomenon that all kinds of living plastic products made of polystyrene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and other polymer compounds are discarded as solid waste after use, and the marine environment is seriously polluted due to random littering and difficult degradation treatment.

  Now I can only hear the crying of the sea when I walk by the sea, and I can no longer hear the cheering of the sea!

  Now, the sea has changed. The sea is no longer clear, it becomes turbid and dirty. The sea washed up on the beach, leaving behind no longer the bouncing fish and shrimp, but instead piles of garbage, mixed with a lot of dead fish and shrimp, emitting bursts of stench. Why? This is all due to us. Some people throw garbage into the sea when they enjoy the beautiful scenery at the seaside. There are also people who live by the sea who direct the drain pipe of the toilet to the sea floor. What is more hateful is that the waste water discharged by the factory flows into the sea in large quantities, which dyed the sea water into a strange color. Our next generation, with bright eyes, tender voice and red cheeks, will never see the beautiful and charming blue ocean. Combined with the nuclear radiation caused by the Japanese tsunami, the water quality of the entire eastern coast has been polluted again, and fish such as fish and shrimp have been affected. People can no longer eat fresh and delicious seafood.

  Someone once did an experiment. He compared a basin of water to the sea, and then dropped a drop of ink into the "sea". Suddenly, the ink slowly dispersed, became shallow and disappeared, and the "sea water" was almost as clean as before; If the ink keeps dripping, the color of the sea water will become darker and darker, and finally become a basin of black water. The 6 billion people on the earth produce a large amount of domestic wastewater and industrial pollution every day. Like ink, it has been poured into the originally clear sea water, which has become a pool of sewage.

  One day, the sea will become a smelly garbage dump. Moreover, there are many fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish in it, which emit fishy smell. only then will humans understand that they have done something wrong.

  People also transport all the resources in the sea to the land. Although there are many resources in the sea, if the resources in the sea are continuously sent to the land every day, slowly, the sea will change day by day. When the sea resources are exhausted, people will be silly.

  For the sake of our human health and for our future generations to see the beautiful and charming blue ocean. Let's take action immediately, love the sea as much as love life, and love this common blue home of mankind.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇40

  There is a magical and beautiful ocean city on the vast blue sea. There are all kinds of fish living here. They live in peace and build a beautiful home together.

  Lele's encounter

  One day, a little fish named Lele went to find food with his parents.

  Lele has good eyesight. He can see the kelp in the seaweed at a glance. This is his favorite food. So he can't wait to swim to it, but he can't bring it out. What should he do? By the way, you can call Mom. Lele just wanted to go, but found himself entangled by water and grass. So Lele hurriedly called her mother. Seeing this situation, her mother quickly swam to Lele. But who knows, a battery hit Lele's mother right on the head. Lele's father saw it and swam to Lele's mother. However, the battery gradually discharged toxic gas, and Lele and Lele's father fainted.

  After Lele woke up, the doctor told Lele, "Your father and mother have not been rescued, and you also have concussion." Hearing this, Lele cried sadly.

  Heartbreak of fish

  The Lele family's experience made headlines at the first time, and the TV news also rolled out the disaster. Hearing this, the whole Ocean City fell into panic. Everyone hides at home and dare not go out.

  Finally, some fish died of hunger because there was no food at home. Therefore, the government is ready to hold a conference to plan how to deal with these objects falling from the sky.

  Meeting of fish

  This meeting is different from the past. It is not only for national figures, but also for the people of Ocean State.

  At the beginning of the conference, the host fish said, "The theme of the conference is how to deal with these harmful fish falling from the sky." Just after the speech, a young tropical fish said, "We can use grandpa turtle's shell as a shield!" But grandpa turtle kindly said, "silly boy, you took my shell, where do I sleep?", A strong sailfish said, "Well, let's beat the human beings to make them dare not throw anything again." At this time, the national leader of the mermaid said, "Although the words are so simple, can you get out of the water? Can you beat the human beings?" After hearing his words, the sailfish became speechless. At this time, "Fishinstein", known as the divine fish, came out. He bowed respectfully to Fishinstein 90 degrees and said, "Fishinstein, you see, we can collect the things dropped by human beings and make them into umbrellas. Fishinstein and fish are all equipped with protective umbrellas. Isn't it impossible to hit them? At this time," Fishinstein "grandpa's friend" Fishinstein "said," Who dares to pick up these things? "

  As soon as the words fell, a can jar fell from the sky, killing "Fishinstein". The meeting broke up in bad mood!

  Wake up! human beings

  Wake up, man! Don't throw things into the sea any more. This will not only endanger the lives of our aquarium, but also pollute your freshwater lake. This is a complete suicide.

  Don't be stubborn any more, don't hurt us poor little fish!

  保护海洋英语作文 篇41

  In the ocean, fish of all sizes and colors swim in the water, adding vitality and beauty to the ocean.

  This is what I saw when I was traveling in Sanya.

  What am I doing here? Of course, it's because after a semester of hard study, I have to relax for a while!

  As soon as we got to the seaside, my father reported me a deep diving project. I am full of expectation and a little nervous. On the dock, someone took me to a deeper sea. I thought a lot on the boat: Is there any poisonous fish in the water? Will the coral scratch me? Will I drown... My little tension seems to grow and expand gradually, like a drop of thick blue ink dripping into the clear water and spreading. But later, the blue ink and my fear were diluted by the novelty feeling.

  I jumped into the sea and dived slowly. I opened the plastic bottle in my hand and poured out the fish food. Many colorful fish began to swim around me. When the bottle was empty, I continued to dive and saw various corals... They dispelled the fear in my heart, lit up the world in front of me, and made my heart very bright.

  The teacher said that life originated from the sea, and now I am back to the sea. But the blue sea water also makes me worry about the future of the sea. Because human destruction of the marine ecosystem seems to have never stopped. Some factories even discharge sewage into the river, which will eventually flow into the sea and pollute the sea. When I think of this, I can see a series of tragedies I saw on TV: there are many dead fish floating on the sea; The seabird is covered with oil and cannot move... How terrible!

  We should protect the ocean from any damage to the marine environment. So, what can I do for the ocean? Becoming a marine biologist, environmental protection expert, crew member... but these are too far away. Now, what I can do is take this plastic fish food bottle ashore and let it be reused!

  Thinking of this, I grasped the bottle in my hand and swam to the sea

  保护海洋英语作文 篇42

  The endless sea gives us happiness and warm maternal love. In my mind, the sea is my mother. In the life of small fish, the sea is their home. The sea mother nurtures many free lives. The sea is so charming and mysterious!

  But now, the sea has already changed. The sea has become turbid and not as clear as before. The sea water washed ashore was full of piles of garbage, not those lively and lovely fish. You must be eager to ask who did it. Actually, it's all human. Some people throw garbage into the sea after eating when they are playing at the seaside. What is more hateful is that the factory discharges the waste water into the sea without any fear, and puts a dirty coat on the blue sea water.

  Boys and girls, think about what the world will become if the sea leaves us one day? If the sea becomes stinky sewage, what should we do? If it were me, I would never let the sea go. As soon as I have time, I will go to the seaside to pick up the garbage on the sea and put it in the trash can; And people who see litter will remind them. We must start from ourselves, from the small things around us, so that the sky blue sea is no longer just our dream.

  The sea is the home of fish and our mother river. We should protect it, love it, and not let the sea leave us.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇43

  On our earth, there are vast oceans. Some people call the ocean a "blue cornucopia" because it contains salt, fish, shellfish and many other things.

  There are abundant oil and natural gas resources in the sea. People set up high drilling platforms on the sea to transport oil and natural gas from the sea to the land. There are countless fish, shrimp and crab shells in the sea. Since ancient times, people living on the sea and on the island have depended on the sea for a living. Every fishing season is the harvest season for fishermen, and the fishing boats will always return with full loads. And in recent years, China's marine enterprises have emerged in an endless stream and become increasingly prosperous. The ocean is really worthy of the "blue cornucopia".

  My hometown Nan'ao is a small island. Here, we can see the face of the sea everywhere, so I, a teenage girl, can feel the great changes of the sea in recent years.

  I remember when I was young, my father often took me to the seaside to play in summer. Every time I go to the beach, I will see the prosperous scene in front of me: adults with swimming rings in their hands step on a pair of big and small footprints on the beach, while young people in colorful swimsuits swim heartily in the clear and bottomless sea water... Whenever I see here, I can't help but pull my father to the beach and step on a pair of footprints full of innocence, blowing a refreshing sea breeze, Smell some fresh air and let the spray kiss my feet. At that time, I thought that one of the greatest enjoyment of life could be more than this.

  However, such a good day will not last long. With the improvement of people's living standards, the once familiar word "protect the sea" has gradually been erased from people's minds.

  Under the temptation of interests, people have repeatedly moved valuable things such as fish and plants from the sea to the land. People, once trusted friends of the sea, never let go of any way to get rich in the sea, making some animals on the seabed endangered. While the sea is quietly crying for the situation in front of it, human beings are quite different. They are ecstatic about the increasing amount of money in bank cards.

  This is not the only immoral thing people do to the sea. They also throw the stinky garbage into the sea, making the originally clear and blue sea water turbid. And when we walk to the sea, a smell of stink will come out, making the originally fresh air disgusting. Those immoral people have not only failed to converge, but also intensified, making those who like swimming have to give up this hobby, because they understand that swimming is no different from getting into garbage dumps and sewage pools.

  Water is the source of life, and the ocean is even more indispensable to the earth we rely on for survival. Without the ocean, I'm afraid there would be no life. The earth is the earth of all mankind, and the ocean is the ocean of all mankind. Therefore, we should start from ourselves, consciously love it, protect it, and avoid bringing disaster to ourselves.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇44

  The UN Secretary General's address on world ocean day in New York on June World Ocean Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of the oceans for sustainable human development and to recognize the many serious challenges associated with the oceans, including the depletion of fishery resources, the impact of climate change and marine environmental degradation on Maritime Safety and security, the working conditions of seafarers and the increasingly important sea Since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea, some of these problems have appeared. The progressive development of the law of the sea through the Convention and related instruments is to promote sustainable development and strengthen international peace and security, fair and effective use of marine resources, protection and preservation of the marine environment and the realization of a just and equitable economic order. The law of the sea provides a flexible and evolving framework for adapting to new challenges The importance of the global economy deserves special attention because we look forward to the United Nations Conference on sustainable development in Rio next year.

  The theme of this year's commemoration is our oceans: Greening our future. All activities and policies related to oceans and marine environment must recognize and integrate into the three pillars of sustainable development: Environment. only in this way can we realize the goal of sustainable development With the development goals set by the international community on this year's world ocean day, I urge governments and all sectors of society to shoulder our individual and collective responsibility for the protection of the marine environment and the sustainable management of marine resources for present and future generations.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇45

  Marine environment is one in water, seawater tolerance hydrolyzate and suspended solids, seabed sediment and marine organisms, including complex systems. Ocean rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources is an indispensable resource treasure house of human beings, with human survival and development of the relationship very close.

  The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect the living marine resources, so as not to failure, in order for human sustainable use. In particular, give priority to protect those valuable and critically endangered marine life. According to the UN for investigation, due to overfishing, accidental capture and killing of non-target to allow hunting of marine, coastal shoreline construction, mangrove deforestation, widespread marine pollution, at least the world's 25 most valuable fishery resources depleted, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animals face extinction risk. Is expected that with the expansion of the scale of ocean development,

  Marine living resources are likely to cause more damage.

  The task of the first marine protected right to stop over-exploitation of living marine resources and secondly to protect the habitat of marine life or habitat, in particular, their migration, spawning, foraging, avoiding predators coast, tidal flats, estuaries, coral reefs, it is necessary to prevent the heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic and easy to produce nutrients such as eutrophication of marine pollution. Preservation of the marine living resources of the natural regeneration capacity and water purification capacity, preservation of the marine ecological balance, to ensure sustainable human development and utilization of the oceans.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇46

  The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment. Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks. So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇47

  here are many kinds of animals in the world,but not only the humans.we live in the same world,and we should be everybody knows,the humans are the rulers of the world today,so we should protect our friends--the animals!

  But how to protect them?as first,i think we must stop killing the rare birds and animals,especially the young ones.the second,we have to protect the environment,to make the sky blue,to make the grass green,to give the animals a comfortable space to live.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇48

  The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇49

  Protecting the ocean is the source of life since I started. If there is no water on the earth, mother earth will not be pregnant from our descendants, because the earliest primitive life in the ocean was initially conceived and gradually extended to the land. Therefore, water is the cradle of life.

  Human survival and development can not be boiled water, because we need to drink water every day, and food can not grow without boiling water Industrial production is inseparable from boiling water, which is the "air conditioning" of nature. In hot summer, when people feel the scorching heat, how happy a rain stroll on the sea, the sea breeze gently blows, and when the cold weather comes, it sweeps away the hot and irritable mood, and the heat stored in the sea water continuously gives the land around it. These are the functions of water, the annual wastewater of a medium-sized city It is equivalent to a world water day once a year in Dongting Lake.

  On this day, the whole world will advocate that we should cherish water resources and protect the water of life. In fact, it is not only that. On this day, in our daily life, we should cherish every drop of water and cherish water with practical actions.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇50

  The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇51

  The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability.

  But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇52

  Between 75 and 80% of marine pollution is caused by land, particularly agriculture. 30% of this is from the atmosphere. Around 12% of the pollution is caused by maritime transport.

  In South America, 98% of domestic wastewater ends up, untreated, in the sea. The countries along the Mediterranean Sea throw 50 million tons of waste into it every year and the Chinese throw 60 million tons of waste into the Yellow sea daily. Over half of the hydrocarbon discharge comes from continents, 5% comes from oil tanker accidents, 20% comes from waste and other ship-related accidents, 4% from sea exploitation and 11 to 15% is due to natural causes. Accidental pollution through hydrocarbon is significantly decreasing and only represents a small percentage of waste through degassing estimated at between 1.5 and 3 million tons of oil a year. In 2003, according to the WWF, between 0.7 and 1.3 million tons of oil were spread by degassing in the Mediterranean. According to the Ifremer (the French Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), coastal water pollution cost the world economy almost 12.8 billion dollars in 2006.

  Marine pollution is the result of products being thrown into seas and oceans, mostly by mnkind: domestic waste (sewage and rubbish, pollutants in runoff water...), industrial waste (hydrocarbons, metals, synthetic chemical and organic substances, radionuclides...) and agricultural waste (fertilisers, pesticides...).

  This includes water pollution and marine sediments, and more generally all damage to marine ecosystems caused by harmful substances being discharged into the sea, either by their nature or their quantity.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇53

  The ocean is downstream of everything, so all of our actions, no matter where we live, effect the ocean and the marine life it holds. Those who live right on the coastline will have the most direct impact on the ocean, but even if you live far inland, there are many things you can do that will help marine life.

  Brand X Pictures/ Stockbyte/ Getty Images

   Eat Eco-Friendly Fish

  Our food choices have a huge impact on the environment - from the actual items we eat to the way they are harvested, processed, and shipped. Going vegan is better for the environment, but you can take small steps in the right direction by eating eco-friendly fish and eating local as much as possible. If you eat seafood, eat fish that is harvested in a sustainable way, which means eating species that that have a healthy population, and whose harvest minimizes bycatch and impacts on the environment.

   Limit Your Use of Plastics, Disposables and Single-Use Projects

  Have you heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? That is a name coined to describe the huge amounts of plastic bits and other marine debris floating in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, one of five major ocean gyres in the world. Sadly, all the gyres seem to have their own garbage patch.

  What is the problem? Plastic stays around for hundreds of years, can be a hazard to wildlife and leaches toxins into the environment. The solution? Stop using so much plastic. Buy things with less packaging, don't use disposable items and use reusable bags instead of plastic ones wherever possible.

   Stop the Problem of Ocean Acidification

  Global warming has been a hot topic in the ocean world, and it is because of ocean acidification, known as 'the other global warming problem.' As the acidity of the oceans increases, it will have devastating impacts on marine life, including plankton, corals and shellfish, and the animals that eat them.

  But you can do something about this problem right now - reduce global warming by taking simple steps that will likely save money in the long run - drive less, walk more, use less electricity and water - you know the drill. Lessening your "carbon footprint" will help marine life miles from your home. The idea of an acidic ocean is scary, but we can bring the oceans to a more healthy state with some easy changes in our behavior.

   Be Energy-Efficient

  Along with the tip above, reduce your energy consumption and carbon output wherever possible. This includes simple things like turning off the lights or TV when you're not in a room, and driving in a way that increases your fuel efficiency. As Amy, one of our 11-year old readers said, "It might sound strange, but being energy efficient helps the Arcticmarine mammals and fish because the less energy you use the less our climate heats up - then the ice won't melt."

  Volunteers at a beach cleanup in New Hampshire. Jennifer Kennedy / Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation

   Participate in a Cleanup

  Trash in the environment can be hazardous to marine life, and people too! Help clean up a local beach, park or roadway and pick up that litter before it gets into the marine environment. Even trash hundreds of miles from the ocean can eventually float or blow into the ocean. The International Coastal Cleanup is one way to get involved - that is a cleanup that occurs each September. You can also contact your local coastal zone management office or department of environmental protection to see if they organize any cleanups.

   Never Release Balloons

  Balloons may look pretty when you release them, but they are a danger to wildlife, who can swallow them accidentally, mistake them for food, or get tangled up in their strings. After your party, pop the balloons and throw them in the trash instead of releasing them.

  California sea lion at Pier 39. Upon closer inspection, this sea lion appears to be entangled in monofilament fishing line. Courtesy John-Morgan, Flickr

   Dispose of Fishing Line Responsibly

  Monofilament fishing line takes about 600 years to degrade. If left in the ocean, it can provide an entangling web that threatens whales, pinnipeds and fish (including the fish people like to catch and eat). Never discard your fishing lineinto the water - dispose of it responsibly by recycling it if you can, or into the garbage.

  Two humpback whales lunge-feeding near a whale watch boat as passengers look on in awe. Jen Kennedy, Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation

   View Marine Life Responsibly

  If you're going to be viewing marine life, take steps to do so responsibly. Watch marine life from the shore by going tide pooling. Take steps to plan a whale watch, diving trip or other excursion with a responsible operator. Think twice about "swim with dolphins" programs, which may not be good for dolphins and could even be harmful to people.

  Scuba diver and a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the Indian Ocean, Ningaloo Reef, Australia. Jeff Rotman / Getty Images

   Volunteer or Work With Marine Life

  Maybe you work with marine life already, or are studying to become a marine biologist. Even if working with marine life isn't your career path, you can volunteer. If you live near the coast, volunteer opportunities may be easy to find. If not, you can volunteer on field expeditions such as those offered by Earthwatch as Debbie, our guide to insects, has done, where she learned about sea turtles, wetlands and giant clams!

   Buy Ocean-Friendly Gifts

  Give a gift that will help marine life. Memberships and honorary donations to non-profit organizations that protect marine life can be a great gift. How about a basket of environmentally-friendly bath or cleaning products, or a gift certificate for a whale watch or snorkeling trip? And when you wrap your gift - be creative and use something that can be re-used, like a beach towel, dish towel, basket or gift bag.

  保护海洋英语作文 篇54

  Reduce Sea Pollution

  Several problems are caused by the non-organic substance. We ought not to pour wastes into the ocean, because it not only pollutes the ocean, but also lead to a series of harmful consequence. First and foremost, the non-organnic things, for instance, plastic bags, may kill fish and whales. Second, fishes can't digest them. Finally, some of the rubbish is inherently toxic, they will posion marine life.

  We must take actions to protect our whale from dying. One thing we should do is creating a better system of disposing of rubbish. Another effective solution is making ships environmentally friendly. Sypermarkets shall stop the giving of plastic bags.

  As a captain of the ship, you should spare no efforts to think more helpful ideas and stop dumping rubbish from now on. We all need to raise awareness of these problems. It now becomes necessary that we must act now, before it is too late!

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