英语读书笔记 英语读书笔记通用36篇

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  英语读书笔记 篇1

  Heidi is a cute and kindhearted girl.She lives in the mountain of Switzerland,and has no mother or father.One sunny day,she goes to stay with her grandfather in his little wooden house,high up in the mountain.She soon has a friend——goat-Peter.She makes Alm-Opa no longer lonely.One day,Heidi’s aunt takes her to Miss Rohmer’s house to be a servant.Later she helps Clara to stand up from the wheel chair,and can even walk more!

  英语读书笔记 篇2

  There is a family of wolf live in the jungle.They find a very young brown child,with big eyes and no clothes.The wolves take the little boy in to their home.The child learns and plays with the other cubs.And they named him Mowgli.Later he becomes a brave and clever teenager.At last,Mowgli hunts with his ‘brothers’ in the jungle!

  英语读书笔记 篇3

  .Yesterday,I read a book,the name of the book is《Dr Bethune》.

  Dr Bethune was a famous doctor From Canada.In ,he came to China.At that time ,China was at war with Japan.He worked as a doctor in the Chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives.He worked very hard and became sick.Dr Bethune died in .He was only years old.He was a good man and we remember him today.

  I think the book is very,very good!

  英语读书笔记 篇4

  Story started in .Aronnax,a natural historian,was studying for a large monster under the sea.At that time,the monster’s massagers were traveling around the world.After the investigation,he would return from aboard.And then he received an invitation from sea forces of America.So he was going to make the monster die out.

  英语读书笔记 篇5

  Peter and Susan arrived at their hotel in Lea-on-Sea.They always visit a beautiful island every year.But this time,they meet a man who pretends to be Peter.He has the same face as Peter by his mask.He is Stephen Griggs.He killed Susan and takes out his mask,and then gives Peter the gun!In this way,peter was caught by the police.

  英语读书笔记 篇6

  Nick is a good surfer.He wants to go to Australia for three months.But his parents don’t like his plan.They want Nick to go to college.But Nick still tries his best to make his parents agree.Because he wants to join an important surfing competition there.Later Nick join another surfing competition,and he win the first price——a thousand pounds!Then his father agrees with Nick’s plan,and affords his plane ticket!

  英语读书笔记 篇7

  One hot summer day,Alice and her sister are sitting under the tree.Alice sees a white rabbit,and she run after it.The rabbit goes down a rabbit whole and Alice follows it,she is now in a strange wonderland.Alice eats some special things,and she changes her size!Everything is different and strange there.The animals there can speak!Alice meets many interesting things.At last,she wakes up.It’s just a dream!

  英语读书笔记 篇8

  This book tells five famous fairy tales.Today,I will mainly introduce the story,The White Birds,written by Hans Anderson.

  There is a king with ten sons and one daughter.Their mother died when the daughter,Elisa,was born.Then the king married with another woman.But she is a bad and jealous woman.She changes the boys in to ten white birds.Elisa makes the coats of gold flowers to help them.Finally she succeeds,her brothers change bake to people,and she married with a king.

  英语读书笔记 篇9

  The story includes three parts.They are respectively talking about:Gulliver in Lilliput,in Brobdingnag,and in Houyhnms.

  Gulliver travels to the South Seas.On their way to the East Indies,a strong wind carried them to the wrong way.Most of the people died.Some days later,he comes to Lilliput,everything is small there.Three days later,he comes to Brobdingnag.This country is opposite from Lilliput,the thing are huge,very huge!Then he travels to a place called Houyhnms,which is also very interesting.

  英语读书笔记 篇10

  The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works.Told in language of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman,down on his luck,and his supreme ordeal——a relentless,agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.

  Here Hemingway recasts,in strikingly contemporary style,the classic thene of courage in the face of defeat,of personal triumph won from los.

  Written in 1952,this hugely successfully novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

  The novel is very famous in the world, so lot of people like this novel. We also studied it in our Chinese class, Hemingway's novel are always interesting I like his novel much, also in his novel we can learn a lot by his meanings.

  It’s really a good novel for people to read.

  英语读书笔记 篇11

  After reading the biography of Madame Curie, it was clear that Marie Curie had been humiliated and expected in her youth. Mary always stood by her belief that she could not let anyone or anything down with her. No matter meet anyone or anything to a firm conviction, and these have to be fostered, no matter in her life were killed, or in her study, can put these play out. And in the course of her schooling, it was hard. No matter how difficult in the process of road walk, Mary insisted down, these all let me understand start to cultivate good character and character, not bow in front of tribulations, don't be afraid to go to deal with it, to overcome it. These trials will also help you succeed.

  英语读书笔记 篇12

  Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince.This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth.Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose.

  So he leaves there and travels into space.He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox.The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet.This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot.

  I like little price adventures.He teaches me to be honest and love others.All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.

  英语读书笔记 篇13

  One day, Charley bought a hot dog in a snack bar after school.

  Suddenly, he stopped and raised his head high. He kept looking at the sky. It lasted two minutes.

  A woman passed by. She saw Charley looking at the sky and she stopped and also looked at the sky.

  The sky was blue. There were some white clouds. Charley still looked at the sky and didn’t move a bit. The woman also went on looking at the sky.

  Mary passers-by stopped. They looked at the sky, too.

  After a while, charley lowered his head. He laughed and asked. “What are you looking for in the sky?”

  The woman said: “why are you looking at the sky?”

  “I didn’t look at the sky.” Charley pointed to his nose, “My nose was bleeding.”

  英语读书笔记 篇14

  There is a farmer named Rip Van Winkle. He doesn’t like working at all, but he likes to talk. One day, Rip goes to the mountains with his dog, Wolf. They meet an old man. He is strange, he has a big barrel on his back. He never talks! They walk and walk up the mountain. They come to a building, there, Rip meets a lot of strange man. Rip and the old man had a lot of drinks in the barrel. Then Rip fall in to sleep. He sleeps for 20 years! Rip wakes up and goes home. He meets his daughter and knows that many people died in the war between America and Britain. Later, ,rip tells his strange story to his new friends in his new town——The United States of America.

  英语读书笔记 篇15

  I was so touched by the book "charlotte's web", and several times I dropped tears of emotion. The book is about a pig Wilbur who was about to become a delicacy. In the barn he knew the spider charlotte, who had not slept for two days and two nights in order to rescue it, because it had to "write" the words on the Internet. Then Wilbur was saved and famous. Charlotte was dead tired! In the second spring, Wilbur remembered charlotte, a spider who had helped him before. You must shed tears when it comes to this! I believe this story must make you deeply moved! Yeah! The story of spider charlotte and Wilbur, the pig, makes millions of people cry.

  英语读书笔记 篇16

  Hello,everyone.I am so glad to stand here.First of all,I will introduce myself.My name is...,I am...years old this year.I have many hobbies,such as:reading.dancing.writing and so on.Also I like English very much.I think English is very useful for us,because many many people in the world can speak English,if I learn it well,I can talk with them and make friends with them.Besides these,I also like doing some exercises.Doing exercises can make us healthier.Health is so important for us,we can not doing anything without a good health.

  So,we can do exercises togher in the future.I also like help others,when you are in trouble,I will do anything that I can.Of course,I hope you my classmates can help me too.At the last,I wish we can become good friends and everybody can get a good result at the end !

  英语读书笔记 篇17


  Fate is about the fate of a child, one of whom is divined as No.1 scholar by eminent monks, and the other is beggar. Twenty years later, the original No.1 scholar became a beggar, while the beggar became the Number One Scholar.


  God said, the talent I give to everyone accounts for one-third of his destiny, and the rest lies in how he grasps it.


  After reading this paragraph, I was very touched. Grasp the fate, how simple words, but how many people really grasp their own destiny? Dont complain about your talent, not to mention your destiny, because destiny is in your own hands, you can change it at any time!

  英语读书笔记 篇18

  Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothic elements.

  英语读书笔记 篇19


  This winter vacation, I read a book called wild windmill. I was deeply moved. There were bend bridge adopted by Liu Si, clever red fan, Granny Yinqiao who likes to help cry, ah Chu who likes to play tricks and bully everyone. Later, Niu Niu, who learned how to swim, was put in prison to help people, but was regarded as a cheaters Bay. Ya Jie, whose parents and younger brother died, and her father were one Green dog cutting grass... So many stories, eyes full of tears.


  In this book, everyone has a quality, everyone has a quality, that is love.

  英语读书笔记 篇20

  I read a book called childhood, which is one of the golgi stories. The book is very moving. It tells the story of gorky, who died in childhood, and lived a painful life.

  Gorky is a very sensible child, saw someone brutality, stingy, he hates all this, learn the integrity, diligence, selflessness, courage, make him since childhood know hate oppression, hate exploitation, sympathy for the laborers suffer gradually constitute his strong to the excellent quality of the old world.

  I want to learn from gorky, learn his excellent qualities, learn from golgi's childhood, collect and sell money, and use it for home. The students laughed at him, and the priest thought he was poor, but gorky was deeply moved by his tireless spirit. He got two prizes and a diploma.

  英语读书笔记 篇21

  "Little peas in the window" reads 200 words.

  I finished reading the little peas in the window, and I felt a great deal about it. He was a bad boy in the eyes of most parents and teachers. The teachers hated her and thought she was noisy and disobedient. However, when it came to the park, everything was different. The headmaster was not as strict as the other teachers.

  It seemed like an incredible thing to do in the tram, but the headmaster did it, and he didn't get impatient when he talked for more than four hours. When he saw the small doudou cesspit of things into a hill, he didn't lose his temper, not scold her not obedient, just light said 1: "remember back after finish."

  Who doesn't like such a school?

  英语读书笔记 篇22

  Ideological understanding sohomlinsky "gives one hundred suggestions" of the teachers:

  A teacher's hours of labor and creation are like a great river, nourished by many small streams.

  The development of students' intelligence depends on their good reading ability.

  Memory is flexible and sensitive. If you are good at it and don't burden it too much, it will be your first assistant.

  The more difficult a child's study is, the more obstacles he seems to overcome in his studies, the more he should read, the more that he can read, the more he thinks, and that thought becomes a stimulus to intelligence.

  Knowledge can only be called knowledge when it becomes the factor of spiritual life, occupies the mind of man, and stimulates the interest of man.

  英语读书笔记 篇23

  Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible,, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.

  This article is from internet, only for studying!

  英语读书笔记 篇24


  Ah q is a person abandoned by that era. He has nothing but to live by working. Although he can really do it, the heavy oppression and exploitation of the society make him always in life crisis and be bullied. He used spiritual victory method to comfort me, deceive himself and others, muddle along and live a life. When he was beaten by others, he comforted himself and said, it was the son who beat Laozi. His spiritual victory method can be said to be absolutely. Although we are far away from Ah Qs era, his spiritual victory method still seems to be feasible.

  英语读书笔记 篇25

  Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothic elements.

  英语读书笔记 篇26

  In this week, Mr. Zeng taught us a touching article "five heroes of Langya Mountain". In this text, it tells how the warriors fought and sacrificed in the war of 1941.

  In this text, there are five important people. In order to prevent the enemy from discovering the masses and company doctrine, they lead the enemy to Langya Mountain, which is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and jump off the cliff to prevent the enemy from taking them away. They are ma Baoyu, Ge Zhenlin, song Xueyi, Hu Delin and Hu Fucai.

  In this text, I understand that five soldiers dare to sacrifice themselves for us, but we can do nothing. Therefore, like the five heroes, I will not be afraid of difficulties and study hard to build a better and stronger motherland.

  英语读书笔记 篇27


  My mother gave me a set of little Newton Science Museum, which won the Taiwan Golden Tripod award. I cant wait to read such a good science book.


  Through the story in the Science Museum of little Newton, I learned a lot about the history of money, the evolution of the earth, pandas, seahorses, volcanoes, and so on. After the book, I asked us to do experiments by ourselves.


  I want to read more books to enrich myself, because books are the ladder of human progress. My mother told me that reading more than ten thousand volumes, writing if God, I want to read more good books, so that I can be more and more intelligent!

  英语读书笔记 篇28

  Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge .

  if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So every thing has two sides the bright side and adumbral side.

  Every time we make a decision we have to think twice. Comment:Be careful with your spelling grammar and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes. It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing.

  英语读书笔记 篇29

  A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the Huaihe River(淮河), because of serious pollution this summer. In a report, Anhui Daily

  called on residents to help protect the river against pollution.

  Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we also know that it is very hard to call everyone to join us to protect the environment. But it seems that they have found the way to let everybody know it. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution. I am so glad about it. And i believe that somewhere the pollution must stop.

  英语读书笔记 篇30

  With such a background, it was only then that scarlett, a troubled woman, was a great one. The name of the film has always been a good one, highlighting the change of scarlett, the lady of the Irish farm owner, who suddenly became a strong and beautiful wild rose from the delicate greenhouse rose. If scarlett had not met rhett, would scarlett be strong enough to challenge tomorrow at the end of the story? If she had not met rhett, scarlett would have known ashhi her own favorite. When rhett left, scarlett realized that what she needed was not ashhi, but rhett. It was too late when she knew rhett's love. Love is always unpredictable and always likes to leave.

  Maybe the moment we lose love, many people will be devastated. At this time, scarlett did not, scarlett just said, "Tomorrowisanotherday."

  英语读书笔记 篇31

  Little woman" is an autobiography novel properties with the family, the author is American Alcott.

  This book was written in four different character marches through their own kind of girl, hardworking and found myself happy story. Novels have dropped the ups and downs of the rock, no fascinating plot of suspense, but the author use si-mp-le language describes marge's family love. Their kindness, love and affection loyalty to deeply touched me. The author describes the details of life is very ordinary, but everywhere to love, reveal the longing for a better life.



  英语读书笔记 篇32

  Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language and the most important specimen of Anglo-Saxon literature.The main stories are based on the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes.

  Beowulf is the nephew of king of the Geats who lives in Denmark. He defeated the monster, which raided the hall built by the king of the Danes. Later on, Beowulf becomes king of the Geats. He at last dies a heroic death.

  It is a pagan poem, which presents us an all-round picture of the tribal society.



  英语读书笔记 篇33

  "Monkey" the most enchanting character is Sun Wukong, this all-resourceful monkey ascends the sky into, comes and goes freely, unrestrained, has become the children ideal symbol and reposing. West travels 81 with difficulty and a group mysterious strange, the moving heart and soul god evil spirit conflict, reflects learns from experienced people the tribulation which in the process suffers and difficult. “the Daoist scripture” has become “the success” and “the goal” symbol. When often I bump into the difficulty, I would to remember Sun Wukong to help skilled worker the Tang Xuanzang to take the Daoist scripture, did not fear that difficult, indomitable spirit, I will be brave, will overcome another difficulty.

  英语读书笔记 篇34

  I also know a truth:people must toward their own ends forward along the way forward,through thick and hard,and finally achieve the ideal harbour.

  Every goal is to must pay the hard work,does not fear the difficulty,with a kind heart,and companion,help each other,unity and friendship,you think good day will come.In this book,dorothy and her friends in order to achieve the wish,does not fear the difficulty,help each other,down the enemy,friends have to achieve their wishes,dorothy in the southern end of the good witch green help,also returned to his hometown in Texas,ended the long journey.

  I later in life and learning to dorothy learning difficulties in life,and to find ways to solve it.In the study does not understand more,ask the teacher asked the students to more abundant,knowledge.

  英语读书笔记 篇35

  After reading ,I was moved by the true love and friendship. In that little world, everything is full of love and beauty.Like the rose, she loved the Little Prince, she was beatific,because she could be cared. In the reality, we are the same. We love our parents,and they just like the Little Prince who take care of us.Thank you,my dear parents,I'll love you forever.

  As for friends,I can never forget the fox.Her sincere and help made the Little Prince hopeful and glad. Facing all my friends,I'll be the fox,I'll bring hope and happy to all the people beside me.I'll never let them disappointed.

  Thank you,Little Prince. You have taught me a lot. I'll learn from you.Maybe you're now in a pure and happy place,believe me, all the roses will bloom,only for you!

  英语读书笔记 篇36

  Last night, I read a moving short story named A Boy Buys God.

  Bondi’s parents died in his early age and he is raised by his uncle. But one day, his uncle falls down from scaffold and God want to take his life away. Bondi heard that God is an amazing thing that can save the life of his uncle. Therefore, he goes out with one dollar to buy God. But he doesn’t buy one until the 29th shop’s door opened. It’s an elderly man who is willing to help him after Bondi telling his story. Several days later, Bondi’s uncle gets great treatment by the most outstanding doctors in the world and finally he totally recovery. In the end, he knows what saves his life—love. It’s Bondi’s pure love to him that saves his love. On the other side, it’s his love to Bondi that saves himself. Therefore, we can say that love is mutual and rewarded.

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