中国台湾歌唱家邓丽君个人资料与简介(邓丽君——乐坛 名人)(台湾最有名的歌唱家)

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邓丽君(Teresa Teng,别名:邓丽筠,1953年1月29日-1995年5月8日),出生于中国台湾省云林县,中国台湾女歌唱家,是亚洲地区的指标性音乐人物。 她早年推出《邓丽君之歌-凤阳花鼓》专辑,开始其歌唱生涯,后因演唱电视剧《晶晶》同名主题曲而在中国台湾成名。20世纪70年代以《千言万语》《海韵》等作品在华语地区达事业高峰,之后又在日本乐坛发展并大获成功。1995年5月8日,因哮喘突发在泰国清迈逝世。

Taiwan singer Teresa Teng

Teresa Teng (January 29, 1953 — May 8, 1995), a Taiwanese singer, was born in Yunlin County, Taiwan Province, China. She began her singing career with the album Teresa Teng’s Song – Fengyang flower drum and later rose to fame in Taiwan for singing the theme song of the TV series Jing Jing. In the 1970s, he reached the peak of his career in the Chinese-speaking region with his works “A Thousand Words” and “Chatun”, and later he developed and achieved great success in the Japanese music industry. On May 8, 1995, he died of asthma in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

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